To ensure employees can effectively perform their job responsibilities, it is essential to configure user roles with appropriate access to the features and menus in the system. This article explores permissions that can be granted within the Perform module, which is designed to manage various cases that may arise within the company.
Access to Roles and permissions configuration
Access to Roles and permissions configuration
In the Settings > Security > Roles & permissions section, you can edit the permissions for default roles or create custom roles for different purposes.
For more details, check Setting up roles in the system.
Setting up Perform permissions
Setting up Perform permissions
For All employees, Managers, Team leads, and your custom roles, you can grant permissions to perform various actions at the company level. To do this, you must go to the Company > Perform section while editing or creating a role and select the options you wish to be available for that role.
Here is the list of all actions and access within the Perform module that you can provide for a role:
Schedule 1:1s with employees: allows users to create 1:1 meetings with all employees within the company.
Manage 1:1s across the company: available if the Schedule 1:1s with employees permission is enabled, and provide access to the Performance > 1:1s tab with the list of all created relationships and scheduled meetings between all employees within the company. In addition, the user can edit and delete their relationships and meetings, add action items and talking points, share notes from other employees' meetings, and cancel meetings.
Access to performance reviews: provides access to the Performance > Reviews tab with the review cycles where this user is added as a collaborator.
Create review cycles: available if the Access to performance reviews permission is enabled, and allows the user to create and conduct review cycles within the company.
Manage all review cycles: available if the Access to performance reviews permission is enabled, and allows the user to view, edit, and delete all review cycles within the company, check their progress and results.
Manage review cycle question templates: available if the Access to performance reviews permission is enabled, and provides access to the Question templates section where the user can access all question templates for reviews, edit them, delete and create new ones.
View all objectives across the company: provides access to the Performance > Objectives tab with the list of all objectives within the company.
Manage all objectives across the company: available if the View all objectives across the company permission is enabled, and allows the user to view and edit, delete or add new objectives across the company.
Employees without the View all objectives across the company or Manage all objectives across the company permissions will see their own objectives only. When creating a new objective, the parent objective dropdown will display only their own entries, and the parent objective widget will not appear on their objective page if a child objective is assigned to them.
Manage all KPIs across the company: provides access to the Performance > KPI tab with all KPI within the system and allows the user to update, edit, delete them and create new ones.
Give and request feedback: allows the user to give, ask and receive feedback across the company.
Manage feedback across the company: provides access to the Performance > Feedback tab with all feedback within the company, and allows the user to view them, delete them and leave their feedback.
Settings: provides access to a specific section of PeopleForce Perform settings for users to customize the platform.
Access can be granted to all or specific settings sections from the following: 1:1 types, 1:1 templates, Competencies, Development plans, Objective tags.