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Set up New hire form

Learn how to create employees using the "New hire" form and customize the form according to your company's specific needs and requirements.

Updated over 4 months ago

⚠️ Available with any of the following subscriptions: Standard or Professional packages

The New hire form in PeopleForce empowers companies to customize their employee creation process to meet their specific needs. With the flexibility to create multiple new hire forms for different regions, divisions, or business entities, organizations can optimize their onboarding process and streamline employee data collection.

Learn about the benefits of customised hiring forms

  • Data validation: With new hiring forms, you can ask for different types of information you need from employees. The forms allow you to set required fields, ensuring that essential information is provided, reducing errors, and improving data accuracy.

  • Flexibility with multiple forms: Customized New hire forms can be created for various regions, divisions, or business entities, allowing a personalized experience that meets the unique needs of each department or location.

  • Automation and efficiency: The new hire forms enable seamless automation. Once a form is filled out, you can trigger workflows, assign specific policies, and automatically apply leave policies. This eliminates the need to manually select each option, saving time and ensuring consistency in the onboarding process.

Explore the New hire form

The New hire form is designed with two customizable blocks to cater to your company's unique needs:

1. Details block: In this section, you can customize the form by providing a descriptive name, an optional description, setting up the default role, choosing self-service access options, selecting workflows for automation, and assigning leave policies to be automatically applied to the new hire.

2. Sections block: This is where you can create multiple sections with various employee fields or documents. You can make certain fields mandatory, ensuring vital information is captured accurately.

Access New hire form configuration

To begin, navigate to "Settings" and select "Forms." Click the "Add" button, then choose "New hire" to start customizing the form.

Configure the Details block

In the Details tab, name your form and add an optional description for clarity.

  1. Set up the default role for this form; it can be linked to a single role in the system.

  2. Choose whether to allow self-service access to PeopleForce through the form.

  3. Select the workflow to trigger after employee creation. You can optionally select multiple workflows to trigger when the employee is created. This is useful for automating tasks such as sending welcome emails, assigning tasks, etc.

  4. Select a Preboarding form to automatically send to a new employee after they are created in the system. Learn more about how to create a pre-boarding form here.

  5. Assign leave policies to be automatically applied to the new hire.

  6. After customizing this part of the form, click the "Next" button to save the changes and proceed to the Sections tab.

Configure the Sections block

In the Sections, you have the flexibility to customize the form according to your requirements, adding or removing employee fields as needed. You can add and configure as many employee fields as necessary, which will be available for completion when creating a new employee.

The system offers a predefined set of fields that you can enable or disable, designate as required, or rearrange their order.

To customize your New hire form with all the additional fields, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Click the Add button in the sections view to create a new section.

2. Choose an emoji to represent the section and name it. Optionally, you can add a description for further clarity.

3. Inside the created section, click on Add block. Here, you have the option to add an employee field or a document. If a field is required, mark it accordingly.

4. Once the customization is complete, click the Complete button to save the changes.

In the form customization process, you have the flexibility to rearrange, delete, or modify the fields to match your company's specific requirements.

Create employees in the system using the New hire form

In the system, there are three methods to create an employee:

  • From the Candidate's card: Click the Onboard as employee button on the candidate's card to create an employee directly from their profile.

  • From the Directory: Click the Add employee button in the directory's upper right corner.

  • From Quick Add: Use the Quick add feature to create an employee profile quickly with essential details.

After choosing one of the methods, you will be redirected to the created form to fill in all the required fields. Once the form is completed, a new employee will appear in the Directory.

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