Tailor forms to meet your unique company needs
10 articles
New hire form
Create a New hire form to add an employee to PeopleForce
Set up New hire formLearn how to create employees using the "New hire" form and customize the form according to your company's specific needs and requirements.
Add a new employee to the system using the New hire formLearn how to use and edit the default hire form
Set up a customized preboarding experience for every employeeLearn how to customize your Preboarding process with step-by-step guidance.
Setting up automatic delivery of the Preboarding form to employeesLearn how to set up automatic sending of the Preboarding form to a new employee.
Complete the preboarding formLearn how to complete the preboarding form
Setting up employee change request forms: A step-by-step guide for administratorsLearn how to set up the employee change request
A comprehensive guide to employee change requests for managers
Approve, reject, or send a people data change request for revisionLearn how to approve or reject the request in the system