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In an effort to enhance employee autonomy and streamline administrative processes, PeopleForce has implemented a self-service form that allows individuals to independently update personal details and emergency contacts within their profiles. This includes fields such as date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, etc, all while incorporating built-in approval settings to ensure a secure and controlled modification process.
⚠️ The default self-service option includes change requests for personal information and emergency contact details. Administrators have the flexibility to create new change request forms or customize the default ones to align with specific organizational needs.
Before you begin
Set up permissions so that employees have permission to submit the Self-service request from their profile.
From the left menu, select Settings > Roles and Permissions.
Select the ''Employees about themselves'' role.
In the Forms, select the sections in which your employees would like to request a change. (By default, there are two sections: emergency contact update and personal info update).
Click Save when you're finished adding or removing permissions.
How to set up Employee self-service
Create a new form according to your needs by editing a preset form or creating one from scratch. You will be able to choose from two types of forms and set up your custom form.
Step 1: Details
From the left menu, select Settings > Forms > Self-service request.
Click + Add to create a new form.
⚠️ To edit a default form, click three dots on the form tile and choose Edit.
3. Enter a Name for the form.
4. Add a Description (optional).
5. To automatically trigger a workflow upon approval request, select the desired workflow from the dropdown.
6. Click Next.
⚠️ A workflow attached to a form is triggered only after all the approvals are submitted. If no approvers are specified in the configurations, the workflow will be initiated immediately upon the submission of the self-service request.
Step 2: Sections
Add sections and select field(s) to include in the form.
Click Next.
The "Name" field will be displayed as a single block with three separate input fields for First, Middle, and Last names on the Self-service request forms, allowing employees to update their First, Middle, or Last names all at once.
Step 3: Approvals
Enable Approvers enabled to add approvers. Search for a specific name or role by scrolling and selecting the condition/person.
To add additional approvers, click + Add approvers. Repeat for as many approvers as you’d like.
Click Complete.
⚠️ Approvers will receive requests in the order configured in the form settings. Every approver in the sequence must confirm the change before it becomes effective. In cases where no specific approvers are set, changes will be automatically updated without the need for individual confirmations.
Requests management for admins
In the dedicated "Forms" tab, admins have access to a comprehensive requests log. From there they can approve (if it's their turn), reject, force approve (override all approvers), or nudge the next approver in line. This centralizes all change requests in one place for easy review.
How to delegate permissions for managing company-submitted forms
While all system administrators can oversee submitted forms, there are instances where these responsibilities can be assigned to a specific role or employee. For example, you might create a custom role for a particular employee and grant them the necessary permissions to handle submitted forms. To provide access to managing all submitted forms in the system, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Settings > Roles and Permissions from the left menu.
2. Select the role to which you wish to delegate form management abilities.
3. In the Company Settings tab, locate "General" and activate "Manage company submitted forms" to grant access to all submitted forms.
4. Click 'Save' to apply the changes and update permissions.
⚠️ Individuals with these permissions will gain access to the Forms tab in the menu, allowing them to review, approve, and reject all requests.
How to set up permissions to manage all forms in the system
All system administrators have the authority to manage forms in the system. However, there are cases where these permissions can be delegated to a specific role or employee. For instance, you can create a custom role for a particular employee and assign them the permissions to manage forms in the system. To grant permissions for managing all forms in the system, follow these steps:
1. From the left menu, go to Settings > Roles and permissions.
2. Choose the role to which you want to grant the ability to manage forms.
3. In the Company settings tab, find and select "Forms" to provide access to all forms and configure the platform.
4. Click ''Save'' to save the changes and apply the new permissions.
⚠️ Individuals with these permissions will be able to create and edit all forms within the system.