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Managing 1:1 templates

Learn how to manage 1:1 templates for effective and meaningful conversations

Updated over a week ago

1:1 templates help managers and employees have productive conversations by providing structure and guiding discussions on topics like career goals, performance reviews, and feedback. They ensure that meetings are focused and meaningful.

Managing 1:1 templates

By default, the system provides preset templates, which you can review, edit, or delete according to your preferences.

Creating 1:1 templates

Creating 1:1 templates allows you to establish standardized agendas for specific types of 1:1 meetings. To create a template, navigate to ''Settings -> PeoplePerform -> 1:1 template->+Add.'' Name the template and add the description.

Include the talking points for the meeting, and if you want them to be visible only to the organizer using this template, mark them as private. This ensures that only the organizer who added the template to the meeting will see it, while the participant won't.

Utilizing templates in meeting scheduling

After creating all the necessary templates, employees can utilize them when scheduling their 1:1 meetings. All templates will be listed, allowing employees to view the talking points included in each one. They can also edit, delete, or add extra talking points, and rearrange their sequence as needed.

Done! 🎉 Templates will add structure to your meetings, allowing you to identify key topics in advance and prepare questions for discussion.

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