Creating interview templates in the Recruit module is a simple way to streamline the process of inviting candidates and maintaining consistent communication. With templates, you can tailor messages to different stages of the interview process, such as the first-round interview with a recruiter, the second-round interview with the hiring manager, or the final interview. This ensures clarity and professionalism at every step.
Create an interview invitation template
To create interview templates, follow these steps:
Go to the Settings in the upper right corner and select Recruit.
Click on Interview templates within this section.
To create a new template, click the Add button. You will be taken to a page where you can fill in the required fields:
Field | Description | Example |
Name | The internal name of the template, which is not displayed to the candidate | Template for interview invitation |
Subject | The email's subject that will be visible to the candidate. | [Candidate - Full name], let's meet!
Body | The main message, including the purpose, information, and any necessary instructions or details to the recipient. | Dear [Candidate - Full name], We are pleased to invite you for an interview for the [Vacancy title] position at [Other - Company name]. |
Use variables and placeholders
When composing the text of the letter, we advise utilizing variables for Subject field and placeholders to easily insert the required information into the letter. Variables are indicated on the right side of the page. By using them, you can insert information such as candidate details, vacancy information, hiring personnel, sender details, and more, ensuring each email is personalized and accurate.
Send interview invitations using templates from the candidate profile
Once you've created your interview templates, you can use them directly when scheduling interviews from a candidate's profile.
Go to the Interview tab in the candidate's profile.
Click on Schedule Interview.
Fill in the details:
Choose the interview method.
Select interviewers.
Set the date and time.
Request a scorecard.
Use an email template to load your invitation message. Personalize the subject and body by inserting variables, ensuring the email feels tailored to the recipient.
Save it.