At the start of each new month, employees typically submit their timesheets detailing their working hours for the previous month. By default, an 8-hour work pattern is applied to every employee. However, for part-time employees or those with different work schedules, custom work patterns can be created and assigned within the employee's profile. Let's explore this further:
Step 1. Create a new work pattern
To create a new work pattern, go to Settings -> Work patterns and click on the Add button. In the pop-up window, provide a descriptive name and specify the required number of hours. Finally, save the work pattern.
Step 2. Assign the work pattern to an employee
To assign the newly created work pattern to an employee, go to their profile and navigate to the Job tab. From there, add the work pattern, enabling the employee to submit their timesheet based on the assigned schedule.
The work pattern becomes active based on the effective date specified in the employment status. Additionally, you can set the work pattern for future dates. By specifying a future date in the "Effective from" field, the work pattern will activate on the chosen date, and the expected working hours will be displayed accordingly.
Step 3. Submit the timesheet
Once a work pattern is assigned to an employee, the system will accrue expected and remaining hours based on it. Utilize the Autofill button to automatically populate worked hours and then submit the timesheet.