We added the Feedback feature to centralize all feedback, making it easy to give, receive, and navigate. As a regular employee, you can gain insights into your own performance. Whenever you want, you can request feedback from colleagues, managers, or other co-workers. Maybe you've recently worked with them on a project or task - exchange your feedback afterwards to understand what went well and how you can improve for next time.
Give feedback
Give feedback
To give feedback, follow these steps:
Go to the Quick add button -> Feedback.
In the pop-up window, select the Give feedback tab.
Choose the person you are giving feedback about.
Fill in the feedback body.
Choose the visibility option:
Only with employee: Feedback will be seen only by the employee it is about.
Employee and their manager: Feedback will be seen by both the employee and their manager.
Employee's manager: Feedback will be seen only by the manager of the employee
6. Hit the Give feedback button.
Request feedback
Request feedback
If an employee doesn't have direct reports, they can request feedback for themselves. To do this, follow these steps:
Go to the Quick add button -> Feedback.
In the pop-up window, select the Request feedback tab.
Choose the person you want to ask for feedback.
If you are a manager, you can request feedback about one of your direct reports or about yourself in the "Who's the feedback about" field. If you do not have direct reports, you can only request feedback about yourself.
Choose the visibility option:
Only with employee: Feedback will be seen only by the employee it is about.
Employee and their manager: Feedback will be seen by both the employee and their manager.
Employee's manager: Feedback will be seen only by the manager of the employee.
6. Hit the Request feedback button.
View your feedback
View your feedback
All feedback related to an employee is organized in the Me section > Feedback:
Received: Feedback received about yourself.
Given: Feedback you have provided to other employees.
Awaiting my feedback: All feedback requests are waiting for you to provide feedback.
My requests: Feedback you have asked.