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Add objectives and key results

Learn how to create goals for your subordinates, team, department, and add key results

Updated over a month ago

Objectives are simple and clear statements of what we want to achieve. They should be short, motivating, and inspiring to the team to get involved and invested in their work to develop themselves, their departments, and the company.

Every objective may have sub-objectives or subtasks. These objectives are split further into smaller ones and assigned to employees. Employees can view progress details inside sub-objectives that affect the parent objective.

Create objectives

To create an objective for your reports, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Performance > Objectives. In the top right corner, click New objective.

  2. In the Create a new objective dialog, fill out the following fields:

  • Name: Clear, concise, and meaningful description of the objective.

  • Owner: The person responsible for the objective.

  • Type: Objective type (individual, team, department, division, location, company-wide).

  • Parent objective: An objective’s parental objective.

  • Start date and end date: Time frames for this objective.

3. Click Save.

Note: An objective can be assigned to a single employee, so a single employee should be responsible for closing it. If you want to create an objective for a group of people, create one main objective and add child objectives for the rest of the team members.

You can also create an objective in the Performance tab of the employee who will own this objective.

Add key results

Key Results are specific, measurable outcomes that indicate what needs to be done to achieve the objective. They often express a numerical value and the period within which the goal must be achieved. To add key results for an objective, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Performance > Objectives.

  2. Select an objective from the list.

  3. Under the objective progress chart, click Add key result.

  4. In the Add key result dialog, fill out the following fields:

  • Name: Clear, concise, and meaningful description of the key result

  • Owner: The person responsible for the key result.

  • Type: Key result metric type (percentage, number, currency, Completed/Incomplete).

  • Start: Starting value for this key result.

  • Target: Target value for this key result.

5. Click Save.

Track OKRs

There are different ways to view and track OKRs in the system:

  • On the Performance > Overview page. Here, you can view objective statistics based on their statuses and types as well as the overall statistics on all objectives and key results.

  • In the employee profile under the Performance tab.

  • In the Performance > Objectives section. Here, you can view a list of all objectives. Note that you can filter the objectives by their owner, state, status, etc.

  • In the Me > Objectives view, you can see all objectives that you own, belong to your team or department, or those to which you contribute.

View OKR update history

As a manager, you can also track the progress of objectives by reviewing the update history. To view the objective update history, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Me > Objectives.

  2. Click on the desired objective.

  3. At the bottom of the page, you can view comments regarding the goal in the Activity section.

  4. Check the Show all activity box to view the following information about the goal:

  • When it was last updated

  • Who updated it

  • Information about changes

Close OKRs

When the objective that you own is completed, remember to close it.

To close the objective, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Me > Overview > Objectives.

  2. Click on the desired objective.

  3. In the top right corner, click the · · · Menu.

  4. Select Close.

Additional resources

For more information on what OKRs are and how they are used, see OKRs. General overview.

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