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360 Review
Updated over a week ago

360 review - is one of the most objective methods of identifying the potential of staff and their suitability for the position. Feedback on an employee's professional qualities is provided by him/herself and his/her surroundings: line manager, subordinates and colleagues. What qualities are assessed: specific competencies, performance, and potential.

This method allows each team member to understand how others view his/her effectiveness as an employee, colleague or manager. At the same time, the HR specialist gains valuable insights into the specific training needs of employees and career paths.

The PeopleForce toolkit makes it easy to administer the entire process - collecting data from four sources and visualizing the assessment results.

How to organize a review process in the system:

Step 1. Determine what will be assessed and what questions to ask
Step 2. Set up a timeline and select participants for the assessment
Step 3. Run the evaluation cycle
Step 4. Analyze the results, provide feedback and incorporate it into decision-making

Here's a walk-through of the 360° review cycle in the system.

1. What competencies to assess and what questions to ask

Competencies are the skills, knowledge, behaviors, and abilities an employee needs to perform his or her job functions and tasks. They are essential for success, which is why it is important to review and assess the competencies promptly. Every company has its own competencies. You can therefore describe corporate competencies, both by departments and by positions - mainly the hard and soft skills of employees.

Start by creating a list of competencies your employees should have and describing them.

Go to Settings - under PeoplePerform find "Competencies" - click "New competency" in the top right corner. In the dropdown, window add a name, description, and indicators of the competence and select the way the skill is to be assessed - at the company, department, or employee position.

Review templates

Next, you need to create question templates for the assessment.

The templates are divided into three types:

  • Self & manager question template - mandatory for 360° Assessment. The template is automatically assigned to the employee being assessed and their manager.

  • The Private manager assessment template is optional. This is used if you need to ask a few individual questions that only the manager can see.

  • General question template - mandatory for the 360° Assessment. This can be assigned to colleagues and/or subordinates for bottom-up feedback.

Let's look at an example of creating a question template for employee Self & manager assessment.

To do this, go to Performance - Reviews - Question templates - New question template in the upper right corner. Name the template. In the drop-down window select "Add question".

Question templates

Next, you need to create question templates to be used in the assessment.

  • Text

  • Rating

  • Competency

(A) In the text type, add a question for self-feedback and for a manager to answer. Generally, these are open-ended questions. If you want to make it required, check this box. Save it.

(B) In the rating type of questions, we also add statements (questions) for self-assessment and for the manager. They are accompanied by a rating scale, the description of which can be edited. It can contain any number of labels/answers. The rating is built from the weakest to the strongest option. There is also an option to include a comment and make it mandatory.

We recommend using the "Competence" question type because they are used to build graphs for the entire team in the statistics of the completed assessment cycle.

(С) Finally, in the Competency question type, you can select the desired competency from a pre-created catalog. Similarly, add statements (questions) for self-assessment and for manager. Edit the 5-point scale and add comments as needed.

The questions themselves can be edited and rephrased and if necessary the response scale can be changed.

2. Set up timelines, details and assigning participants to the assessment

Move on to the creation of the review cycle. Click New review cycle on the right-hand side of the tab review.

Name the review, preferably including the nature or type of the evaluation and the evaluation period. Here you define the employees that are to be evaluated and which fall under the review cycle.
By default, all employees in the company are selected for evaluation:

  • Role

  • Department

  • Position

  • Division

  • Location

  • Employment type

  • Specific person

  • Employee attribute (e.g. evaluating employees who work earlier than a certain date)

You can select more than one filter to cover the range of people you want:

Next, identify participants, that is, those who will provide feedback and answer questions. In the 360° review, all 4 types of participants can be involved:

  1. Employee Self-Assessment - participants evaluate their own performance over a specified period.

  2. Managers - supervisors evaluate the performance of their line subordinates.

  3. Peers - colleagues who interact with the employee and evaluate him or her. The appraisal creator sets the minimum and maximum number of colleagues to participate.
    When choosing the appraisal by peers, three options are available to you:
    Employees nominate peers - in this case, the employee to be appraised chooses the peers for themselves and their choice can be confirmed by the supervisor.
    Only line managers and HR assign colleagues.
    Only HR appoints colleagues.

  4. Upwards - subordinates assess the performance of their line manager.

The review creator can make adjustments on peers, settings, and notifications in the appraisal cycle at any stage.

Next, you need to select the Review Question Templates you created earlier. The mandatory templates for Assessment 360° are:

  • Self & manager question template

  • Peer question template

  • Upward question template

Also, specify key Review Dates:

  • Start of the review cycle, when the system will send emails to participants

  • Peer selections due by - deadline for employee/manager to specify peers for assessment

  • Reviews are due by - the last day when participants will be able to submit their responses

  • Review cycle finishes on - before this date, the manager needs to share and discuss the results of the evaluation with the employee.

Next, select the Assessment period, for which period you want to evaluate the employees. The evaluation period is the period during which the performance, competencies, achievements, and potential of the employees are evaluated. For example, last month, last quarter, or last year. The period gives context to the review cycle.

The system also offers the option to send reminders to participants who have not selected their colleagues for the appraisal cycle a specified number of days before the deadline.

Finally, draft a kick-off email to the team describing the purpose and process of the assessment.

3. Starting the evaluation cycle

In this phase, the participants nominate peers, answer the questions asked, score the ratings, and leave their comments and feedback.
The progress of assessment by individual participants as well as overall progress, can be tracked in the current review cycle. You can go as follows: Performance - section Reviews - Current review cycles - and click on the name of the assessment cycle. In the window that is opened, an overview of the progress of the current evaluation is shown.

4. Analyzing the results

Based on the results of the assessment in the PeopleForce system, the following results can be obtained:

  • competency diagram

  • table of competencies in percentage

  • top 3 best competencies and top 3 competencies for improvement

  • average score on the competencies of specific employees

  • N-box matrix for planning team success and advanced competencies

You can find the results as follows: Performance menu tab - Reviews section - Ended tab - and click on the name of the review cycle. In the window that opens, you can see the Overview of the entire cycle by dates, the results by Competencies, as well as the N-box Matrix in the Insights section.

The results can be exported in Excel format by using the "3 dots" button on the right.

Examples of Assessment results are shown below in the screenshots from the PeopleForce system:

Competency chart

​Table of competencies in percentage

Average score on competencies and GAP

GAP means the difference between Self score and Average score among all other groups of participants (e.g., Managers, Peers, Upwards).

Then it is calculated by the formula:

GAP = Self - ((Managers+Peers+Upwards)/3)

[Red circle] - critical gap (>3-5), pay special attention

[Yellow circle] - moderate gap (>1-3), consider it

[Green circle] - insignificant gap (0-1), all is good

N-box matrix in the Insights section.

The new n-box methodology provides exactly the flexibility that many companies need. To be more precise, you can now build any number of cells, depending on the number of answers to each question. In other words, this means that for each answer to a question, a new cell is built in the matrix.

The new n-box matrix allows you to create any number of rating questions that can be compared to each other. Users can switch between the questions they need, and the grid will display all the answers of employees. Now we have the opportunity to compare one question with several options and get interesting information about our employees.

The bubbles in the table are the number of employees, with the manager's scores on a scale. On the "Y" axis - answers to one of the selected questions. On the "X" axis - answers to another selected question. The colors in the table depend on the rating of the answer (the lowest value is red, the highest is green).

Where and when the assessment results can be used:

  • to identify weaknesses and strengths of employees, and prepare personal development plans;

  • for making decisions on remuneration, promotion or succession of the employee's role;

  • to revise OKR, the structure of departments;

  • when conducting 1-on-1 meetings;

  • for rethinking internal communications, policies, and practices.

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