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Complete a performance review

Learn what manager needs to do during the performance review cycle

Updated over a week ago

Manager reviews are crucial in performance evaluations as they provide an objective assessment based on direct observations, align employee performance with organizational goals, and offer constructive feedback for development.

Additionally, manager reviews ensure consistency and fairness in evaluations, inform critical decisions related to promotions and raises, and support both individual and organizational success.

Receive review notifications

When the review where you participate starts, you will be notified by email and on the platform. Additionally, when the review results are shared with you, you'll receive a notification in the notifications bar for quick access.

View your review cycles

In the Me > Reviews tab, you’ll find all the information about the reviews you’re involved in. By default, the most recent review is displayed, but you can click on the review name on the left-hand side to expand the list and view both current and past reviews.

🪄 Some tasks within the review cycle are also displayed in the To-do's section on the Home page.

Review cycle to-dos

The Overview section contains a list of actions you must complete within the current review cycle. In the context of a 360 evaluation cycle, you can have the following tasks:

  • Evaluate yourself: objectively review your work and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Evaluate the performance of your subordinates, their contributions and achievements.

  • Assign peers so they evaluate your subordinates.

    ℹ️ In some cases, HR (when creating a review cycle) can assign you the management of peer reviewers for your subordinates.

  • Evaluate the performance of your colleagues.

  • Review your manager's work.

With such a step-by-step plan, you definitely won't miss anything. You can complete the tasks in your preferred order and submit the review when ready.

Manage peers for your team or peer nominations

In some cases, HR (when creating a review cycle) can assign you to manage peer reviewers for your subordinates. The manager can submit peer nominations for direct reports.

If peer nominations require manager approval, they can be approved or rejected in the Overview tab.

Overview the results

After the cycle is complete and the administrator or HR shares the results, you will see all your score and comments in the Me section > Overview > Results overview section. The Competencies part is based on the competencies from the question template used for the review. The results are shown as a diagram with the names of the competencies and the average values of all reviewers' scores. Below the diagram, you can also see the average points of the 3 highest- and lowest-rated competencies to analyze strengths and weaknesses.

Further on, you can find answers provided by all reviewers.

ℹ️ Peer and upward feedback can be anonymous for employees if the Share results anonymously with employee option is selected in the cycle settings. Otherwise, reviewers' names and shared results will be displayed.

The results of all reviews the manager's direct report participate in and the results were shared with them can be accessed in their profiles in the Performance tab > Reviews.

Share results by a manager

When setting up a review cycle, there's an additional option for sharing review results. An admin can enable managers to view the results for their direct reports as soon as they are submitted, allowing real-time monitoring. Also, admin can give managers the ability to share these results with their employees, enabling them to receive and discuss feedback without your participation.

Managers and employees can access shared results in the Me > Reviews > Results overview section. When you click the corresponding employee you access the details of their results and have option to share it with the Share results button.

Check the direct report results

Managers can see their subordinates' review results when they are being reviewed.ℹ️ Admin or HR can enable managers to view the results as soon as they are submitted or share the results at the end of the cycle.

In the My direct report results tab, you can see only the average rate of all the competencies scores from each reviewer party and whether these results are sent to the employee.

To get the detailed review results, you must click the employee's name.

Here, you can find a diagram with the names of the competencies and the average values of all reviewers' scores. Below the diagram, the average points for each competency given by review parties are shown.

The table also contains a GAP that shows the difference between how the employees rated themselves and the average value of how other parties rated the same indicators.

The results also contained detailed answers provided by all reviewers.

ℹ️ Peer and upward feedback can be anonymous for employees if the Share results anonymously with employee option is selected in the cycle settings. Otherwise, reviewers' names and shared results will be displayed.

Additionally, you can have permission to share these results with your employees.

After reviewing and sharing these results, you can conduct 1-on-1 meetings with each employee to discuss the review and find ways to improve their work. This is a great opportunity to provide feedback, offer clarification, and set new goals for the employees' further development.

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