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Manage employee cases in the company
Manage employee cases in the company

Set priorities for cases and assign people responsible for resolving them

Updated over 4 months ago

Managing cases effectively is crucial for maintaining organizational efficiency and addressing employee needs promptly.

Get the most of PeopleForce

  • Monitor and track all cases at the company level.

  • Delegate cases to specific employees (Case managers) for resolution.

  • Assign a default assignee for a category.

  • Update the status and category of cases to reflect their progress and category.

  • Utilize category-based filters to effectively monitor cases and track their status.

  • Configure permissions in the Roles and Permissions settings to grant case management access to other employees, such as managers.

  • Create a case either for yourself or on behalf of employees to address complaints or requests received outside the PeopleForce system.

Manage cases across the company

All cases managed at the company level are conveniently displayed in one centralized location on the Cases page. This makes it easier than ever to monitor and manage all ongoing cases and requests within your organization.

Filter the data

Utilize category-based filters to effectively monitor cases and track their status. This functionality enables quick and efficient retrieval of relevant data based on your specified criteria.

Assign the default assignee for a case category

When creating a new category, you have the option to choose default assignees for different case categories. This allows cases to be automatically routed to the appropriate team members.

For instance, in the Salary category, you can assign your accountant as the default assignee. Whenever a case is filed under this category, it will automatically be assigned to the accountant.

Assign cases

If a specific category doesn't have a pre-assigned responsible person for cases, the HR manager or the person in charge of case management will receive the newly created case and assign it to an employee who can handle it. This assignment is done in the Case details widget under the Assigned to field.

Change case status and category

The administrator can update the status (in progress, on hold, or closed ) and category of cases to reflect their progress and category.

Set the priority for cases

Case managers can assign priority levels of Low, Medium, or High to each case upon receiving it. When managing multiple cases, this prioritization helps them focus on the most critical issues first, improving efficiency and ensuring that important cases receive timely attention.

Manage permissions

In the Roles & permissions section, under Edit role/New role → Company → Desk, you can give the permission to manage cases on the company level.

Creatе a case

Administrators can create cases on behalf of employees if a complaint or request is received outside the PeopleForce system. This process involves the following steps:

  1. In the Cases tab, click Create a case.

  2. Specify the employee associated with the case by filling in the Associated to field.

  3. Select the most appropriate category that reflects the nature of the case and provide a brief and clear title and detailed description of the case.

  4. Later on, assign a responsible person for resolving the case by specifying them in the Case details widget.


After creating the case, the employee assigned to the case will receive notifications via email and within the system.

Additional resources

For a guide on how to submit a case as an employee, see Submit a regular case.

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