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Manage Safe Speak complaints
Manage Safe Speak complaints

Prioritize cases and assign people responsible for resolving them

Updated over a week ago

For those considering or already using Desk for team case management, an essential tool is now at your disposal. We've introduced Safe Speak, a vital feature for anonymous reporting (whistleblowing), ensuring your employees and candidates can report critical matters without revealing their identity.

We have developed a whistleblower system compliant with the EU Whistleblower Directive. PeopleForce does not retain information about who created a complaint to ensure anonymity. You can review the directive by following this link.

This article is your guide to effectively managing anonymous complaints in PeopleForce using the new Speak Safe tool. PeopleForce empowers designated managers with the necessary functionalities to handle the anonymous complaints they're assigned to.

Enable Safe Speak

  1. Access the Settings menu and go to Desk.

  2. Within Desk settings, locate the Safe Speak option.

  3. Click the "Enable Safe Speak" button to enable it.

  4. After activation, a submission page link will be generated with the option to copy it.

🪄 Tip: For convenient employee access to the anonymous reporting channel, copy the submission page link and insert it into your company links on the Home page. Another option is to include the link within a relevant article in your internal Knowledge Base.

Manage access to anonymous complaints

After enabling Safe Speak, the administrator can restrict access to anonymous complaints. To do so, click on the "Manage access" button and add the managers who will have access to complaints. This allows the admin to grant access to specific individuals in the company while also restricting access for themselves.

Create the category and assign it to a default assignee

To effectively utilize Safe Speak, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Settings, in the Desk section choose Safe Speak.

  2. Click on the 'Add' button and input a relevant category.

  3. Name the category. For example, Safe Speak.

  4. Add a description of the category. For example, "Here's the category for anonymous complaints and reporting violations."

  5. Add the default assignee. All complaints under this category will be redirected to this person.

  6. Click Save.

💡 The default assignee will receive notifications about new complaints submitted. If empty, everyone who has access to manage complaints will be notified instead.

Access Safe Speak complaints

To access complaints, select Safe Speak from the main navigation bar in PeopleForce. Complaints are displayed in a ticketing style list, and each includes the following components:

  • Anonymous owner

  • Case title (as defined by the reporter during submission)

  • Category

  • Creation date

  • Case assignee (if assigned)

  • Status


Individual complaint managers receive a notification once they have been assigned to a complaint. Click the notification to access the complaint and its details.

Change or update complaint details

This widget is located on the right of the message history and displays the following:

  • Status: Employee assigned for the complaint can change the status depending on their progress with the case.

  • The status options are: New, In progress, On hold, Closed.

  • Assigned to: Displays the employee currently assigned. The employee can be unassigned and a new one assigned to. Only employees with complaint management access will be eligible for selection.

  • Category: Displays the category, if originally selected by the reporter, or updated by the assigned employee.

To change or update complaint details, managers have the flexibility to modify specific information such as the Status, Assigned employee, Priority or Category. Here's how you can make these updates:

  1. Navigate to the Safe Speak section.

  2. Find and select the case you wish to update to open it.

  3. Within the Complaint details widget, click on the specific component you want to modify.

  4. Choose an option from the list provided, or reassign the complaint as needed.

⚠️ To change or update the complaint details you need to have the access to manage Safe Speak complaints.

Respond to a complaint

To respond to a complaint assigned to you, follow these steps:

  1. In the Safe Speak section, open the specific complaint you want to address.

  2. Type your reply in the message bar located at the bottom of the request and then click Comment.

This way, your response will be visible to the reporter when they follow up on the complaint.

Resolve a complaint

To resolve a complaint, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Safe Speak section.

  2. Find and click on the complaint you wish to resolve.

  3. In the Complaint details widget, change the status to Closed.

⚠️ To change the status of the complaint, you need to have access to manage Safe Speak complaints.

Delete a complaint

To delete a complaint and permanently delete all its content, including messages and attachments:

  1. Go to Safe Speak. Find and click the complaint to open it.

  2. Click the three dots icon > Delete.

  3. In the confirmation window that appears, click Confirm.

If, for any reason, one of the admins deletes a complaint, the database will log this event, and the submitter will be able to track who deleted their inquiry and when. The submitter who tries to access the deleted complaint will see a message that says, "Your complaint was deleted by [NAME] on [DATE]'' and the conversation history will be saved.

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