⚠️ Available in PRO package. Interested? Please e-mail us at sales@peopleforce.io to find out more.
We are excited to announce the release of a new feature called eSignature in PeopleForce. This feature allows users to sign any document using an embedded eSignature directly within the platform. Below, you will find a summary of the new feature and details on how to use it.
Please note that the eSignature feature is currently in beta. For those interested in trying out the feature, contact the customer support team via chat or email - support@peopleforce.io.
Request an eSignature
Request an eSignature
While Uploading a Document
Navigate to the Documents tab.
Click + Add document button > Upload.
Select the Document folder for a document.
Upload a PDF or DOCX document.
Assign the document to one or more employees.
Check the Request eSignature option.
Click Upload.
Assigned employees will receive a notification via email, task, or dashboard notification.
In Document Preview mode
Open the document in preview mode.
If you are an HR/Admin user, you will see the Request eSignature button.
Click the Request eSignature button.
The assigned employee will receive a notification to sign the document.
Filter data
Filter data
Use the filter by eSignature status to get information about documents in various statuses. For example, select the "Pending" status and set the time range to the past month to identify and remind recipients about the need to sign the document.
You can also filter by date to review documents within a selected date range. Additionally, all declined or failed-to-process documents will be displayed at the top, as they require your urgent attention.
Employees who decline to sign a document can leave a comment explaining their decision. This comment will be visible when you hover over the Declined status on the Documents tab.
Receive notifications
Receive notifications
Email notification: An email with a link to Signaturit will be sent to the employee.
Task creation: A task with a Sign button will be created in the employee’s task list.
Dashboard notification: A notification will appear on the employee’s dashboard.
💡 For any further questions or issues, please contact our support team via chat or email - support@peopleforce.io.
Explore E-signature subscription details
Explore E-signature subscription details
The E-Signature feature is included in the Professional package at no additional cost. The package comes with a certain number of credits, which are allocated based on the number of employees in your company.
How credits are calculated
How credits are calculated
The number of e-signature credits you receive monthly depends on your company's package size (employees in your subscription). Here's how it’s calculated:
Credits per month = Number of employees in your subscription / 10
Example: For example, if your subscription is for 50 employees but you have only 31 active employees, you will still receive 5 credits.
Additional credits
Additional credits
If you need more credits than the ones provided, you can purchase additional credits. These credits are sold in packs of 50, 100, or 150 and are priced at $0.50 per credit. The purchase will be charged separately from your subscription.
Credit allocation and carryover
Credit allocation and carryover
Your account will be replenished with the allocated credits at the start of each subscription month. For example, if you subscribed on May 8th, your credits will be replenished on the 8th of each following month.
Unused credits do not expire and will carry over to the next month. For instance, if you are allocated 10 credits but only use 5 in a given month, the remaining 5 credits will be available for use in the following month.
What does one credit cover?
What does one credit cover?
One credit is equivalent to one document sent for e-signature.
⚠️ Available in Professional package. Interested? Please e-mail us at sales@peopleforce.io to find out more.