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All CollectionsCore HRFormsSelf-service request forms
Approve, reject, or send a self-service change request for revision
Approve, reject, or send a self-service change request for revision

Learn how to approve or reject the request in the system

Updated over a week ago

⚠️ Available in Professional package. Interested? Please e-mail us at to find out more.

If you've been assigned as an approver for a self-service request, the system will inform you about requests requiring your approval through notifications in the system, email, and in the To-dos widget, ensuring you won't miss any requests.

Approve or reject the request for a change

Follow these steps to manage the approval process:

1. From the left menu, go to "Me > Requests > Require my approval," where you'll find a list of change requests awaiting your decision.

2. Choose the specific request you wish to approve or reject.

3. Click on "Reject" or "Approve," based on your assessment of the request.

4. If there's a workflow integrated into the form, it will activate upon the final approval.

5. The requester will receive a notification, both via email and within the system, informing them of the approval or rejection of their change request.

⚠️ Please be aware that administrators have the capability to override other individuals in the approval process.

Request revision

If the approver determines that changes are needed, they can send the revision request. Click the Decline button and request revision.

In the text body, the approver can provide a reason to guide the necessary corrections and send it for revision.

Notification process for requesters

Requesters will receive notifications in the system or via email regarding the approval, rejection, or revision of their requests. By clicking on the notification, they can view the details, including who approved or rejected the request, as well as the reason for revision and the corrections that need to be made.


What happens if a form doesn't have approvers?

Changes and associated workflows will be immediately triggered if no approvals are required.

What happens if a form has approvers?

  • A notification is sent to the first or only approver regarding the change(s).

  • Approvers will be requested to approve or reject the change(s).

  • Once all approvals are made, the change(s) will apply, triggering the workflow if enabled.

  • If any approver rejects the change request, subsequent approvers won't be notified, and the change won't be made.

  • The requester will be notified of the rejection.

When will the workflow be triggered?

If a workflow is enabled, it triggers upon the final approval.

What will the process of approval look like?

Approvers receive approval requests in the configured order. Each approver in the sequence must confirm the change for it to take effect. If no specific approvers are designated, changes will automatically update without individual confirmations.

What actions can administrators take regarding the approval process?

Admins can approve (if it's their turn), reject, force approve (override all approvers), or nudge the next approver in line.

How will I be notified about change requests that require my approval?

If you've been assigned as an approver for a change request, the system will inform you about requests requiring your approval through notifications in the system and email, in the To-dos widget, ensuring you won't miss any requests.

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