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Approve or reject vacancy requests
Approve or reject vacancy requests

Learn how to approve or reject a job request

Updated over a week ago

Vacancy requests are a key step in the hiring process that ensures new talent is attracted to your company. To ensure transparency and efficiency in this process, you have the option to customize the approval process to suit your company's needs. It can be either a single person or multiple approvers, depending on your requirements.

Notifications when vacancy request is submitted

All persons identified for approval during the creation of a vacancy request form are notified by email, in the To-do's widget on the Home page, and in the system notification panel. This notification reminds you to review the vacancy request.

Approval sequence

If there are multiple approvers, notifications are sent in a pre-configured sequence. In our scenario, the first approver is a specific employee, and the second is the manager.

Approval or rejection process

Approvers can review the details of a vacancy request in a way that is convenient for them. They can go to the To-do's widget and click the View request button. Once they have reviewed all the details of the request, the approvers have the option to approve or reject the request.

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