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Manage attendance tracking

A guide explains how to manage attendance tracking on the company level

Updated over a week ago

Managers can manage attendance if they are given permissions to manage attendance tracking in the Roles and Permissions settings. If you can't manage attendance tracking on the company level, reach out to your company administrator.

The system offers a comprehensive view of all visits on a single screen for a specified period, making it easy to track and manage attendance.

With the permission to manage attendance, you have several key functions:

  • Access Attendance tab: Track all time at the company level and navigate to individual employee tabs for detailed views of their working hours and overtime.

  • Utilize filters: Use filters in the Attendance tab to monitor attendance by position, department, division, and more.

  • Export reports: Export attendance reports in .xlsx or .csv format for further analysis and record-keeping.

  • Nudge employees: Remind employees to submit their timesheets promptly.

Let’s dive deeper into the details to understand how these features can streamline your attendance tracking and management processes.

Centralized attendance tracking

All time tracked at the company level is conveniently displayed in one centralized location on the Attendance page. This makes it easier than ever to monitor and manage the working hours of all employees in your organization.

Filter the data

Use the filters to find information about employees in specific departments, divisions, locations, etc. This functionality allows you to quickly and efficiently retrieve relevant data based on your criteria.

Nudge employees

From the attendance tab you can directly nudge employees who still need to submit their timesheets, ensuring timely and accurate record-keeping. To do this just click on the nudge icon and a friendly reminder will be send to an employee.

💡All employees who are nudged will receive a notification reminding them to submit their timesheet.

Export the reports

You can export all worked hours data in Excel and CSV formats. Additionally, you have the option to export data by month or by day:

  • Export by month: The data will be displayed as the total number of hours worked throughout the month.

  • Export by day: The data will be shown as the number of hours worked each day.

This functionality allows for flexible reporting and easy analysis of employee work hours.

Export specific employee data

If you need data on a specific employee, you can use filters to find the employee, then click on the Menu and choose the export format you need. This allows you to easily generate customized reports for individual employees in the format that suits your needs.

⏱ Experience the convenience and efficiency of Time as it simplifies time tracking and enhances attendance management in your company.

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