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Manage company candidates

Learn how to manage candidates on the company level

Updated over a week ago

With Recruit, you can effortlessly create and post vacancies on job portals, review candidates in a centralized database, and engage HR managers and employees in hiring.

As an administrator, you have several vital functions:

  • Access the Candidates tab: Track all candidates with information about the date they were added, evaluation score, and more.

  • Utilize filters: The Candidates tab monitors candidates by vacancy, location, current position, disqualified reasons, and more.

  • Export reports: Export candidate's data in .xlsx or .csv format for further analysis and record-keeping.

  • Add candidates to a vacancy: Use multiple methods to add candidates to a vacancy.

  • Manage permissions: Through the Roles and Permissions settings, grant other employees, such as managers, access to manage all candidates.

Let's dive into the key features and benefits:

Centralized candidates management

All candidates across the company are efficiently stored in one place - the Candidates tab. Here, you can view all candidates added to the system. The table displays the following data:

  • Full name: The candidate's full name.

  • Evaluation: After the interview, the candidate is given a score, as recorded in the scorecards by all interview collaborators.

  • Application: The vacancy the candidate applied for, along with their current stage in the pipeline.

  • Added: The date the candidate was added to the system.

  • Recently contacted: The date of the candidate's last interaction, which can include various actions:

    • Sending a letter: The date of the most recent email communication.

    • Sending an offer: The date the candidate was last sent a job offer.

    • Interview: The date of the candidate's most recent interview.

    • Manual edit: If a user manually updates the Recently contacted field, it reflects the date of this manual edit.

Filter data

In the Candidates tab, utilize the provided filters for a tailored search:

  • Filter options:

    • Last name, email, skills, experience, desired position, source, tags, salary, and the individual who added the candidate.

    • Additional filters include the specific vacancy the candidate participated in and the time when the candidate was added.

  • Customizable filters: These filters are versatile and can be combined to refine your search, ensuring you find the candidates that match your criteria effectively.

Export data

You can export all candidate's data in Excel and CSV formats by clicking the three dots icon. The file will contain the list of all candidates for a certain vacancy with information about candidates' full name, email, number, desired salary, links, etc.

🪄 Tip: Filter the data to export specific information. For example, you can filter and export data for all candidates for a certain vacancy.

Add candidates to a vacancy:

There are multiple methods to add candidates to a vacancy, providing flexibility and convenience:

1. Upload CV:

- Click the Add candidate button and choose to upload a CV from your computer.

- The system automatically extracts relevant information from the CV, including references, name, contact details, skills, gender, birth year, and desired salary.

2. Manual addition:

- Manually add a candidate if they have directly contacted you.

3. PeopleForce Prospector plugin:

- Add candidates from LinkedIn, job websites, and other sources.

- The plugin parses candidate information, allowing seamless addition to the desired vacancy with automatic information filling.

Configuring the access rights

Administrators can customize access rights to the different functions of the Recruit module. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the settings and locate the Roles and permissions section.

  2. Select the role you want to customize and click on it.

  3. In the role editing window, scroll down to the Recruit section.

  4. Enable the specific rights and permissions you want to grant to this role within the Recruit module.

  5. Once you've configured the access rights, save the settings.

After saving the settings, users with the corresponding role can perform specific actions across your company.

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