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Release 2.12. Recurring 1:1s, Google Workspace data sync & other platform improvements
Release 2.12. Recurring 1:1s, Google Workspace data sync & other platform improvements
Updated over a year ago

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We have a few key features prepared for you that you'll definitely want to have! PeopleForce is one step closer to becoming a full-fledged hub for your work, where all needs are considered. Today, we're talking about building communication via recurring 1:1s, new Google workspace synchronization, Microsoft Outlook integration, and other important items.

Build trustful relationships with recurring 1:1 feature

One of the most important missions of the HR function in 2024 is to build transparent relationships within the team, especially between managers and subordinates. We must think about employee retention and the tools for it. One of them will definitely be our new recurring 1:1 feature.

In this release, we are getting rid of manual 1:1 meeting setups. Now, team members will be able to schedule recurring 1:1s and organize them into Relationship frequencies, where the meetings' history and upcoming ones will be stored.

The new Relationship tab allows clients to access 1:1 meetings organized by participants and organizers. Each employee's meetings are neatly grouped into separate threads, with only one unique thread per participant. To differentiate 1:1 meetings, there's the option to assign a type to each one.

Here is what is available with recurring 1:1s:

  • Custom frequency settings (weekly, monthly, etc.).

  • Preview of 1:1 question templates.

  • Default templates assignable to relationships.

  • Rescheduling and changing meeting types.

  • Editing relationships, including cancelling and deleting meetings completely.

  • Now, the organizer and participant can share their notes, which will be displayed from both sides.

For more details on recurring 1:1 meetings, please read the separate article.

You can still create one-time 1:1 meetings, but we encourage you to focus on building longer-term and transparent relationships with employees. This strategic shift reflects the 2024 trend outlined in Deloitte's annual HR trends report, where 90% of leaders emphasize the crucial importance of trust-building. We're committed to keeping you on trend!

Turn PeopleForce to a central hub with Google Workspace sync

This possibility marks an important step towards making PeopleForce the ultimate centralized destination for our customers. We streamline syncing employee data between PeopleForce and Google Workspace for seamless integration.

If you need to upload a new employee's data to Google Workspace as well when adding them to the system, you can easily accomplish this using this sync. When terminating an employee, you can automatically delete their user account in Google Workspace, eliminating the need to switch between systems.

Once the integration is enabled, you have the freedom to choose which data items to synchronize, such as full names, photos, managers, employee IDs, positions, and more. Companies using this integration can select fields to sync, ensuring only relevant information is shared across platforms.

You can also use the Workflows feature to automatically add or remove users from your Workspace and even incorporate existing directory employees into your Workspace directory via the 3dot menu in the employee’s profile. Companies with integration enabled can use "Create a Google Workspace user" or “Delete the employee" as an action type. Learn more about this feature in the article here.

Utilize Microsoft Outlook calendar option

We've introduced an integration for users who utilize Microsoft Outlook calendars to streamline the scheduling of interviews and one-on-one meetings. Similar to our integration with Google Calendar, this feature allows you to seamlessly sync your entire company's schedule and easily select available time slots when everyone is free. Read more here.

Include additional compensation for reporting

Good news, it’s finally here: the information regarding bonuses and other supplementary compensations is now included in the report. In fact, we've integrated this data into two reports: the Salary history report has evolved into the Compensation history report, featuring separate tabs for both Salaries and Additional compensation; additionally, the Monthly payroll report now also includes details on additional compensation in a dedicated tab. Read more monthly payroll report here.

Other enhancements across the platform

  • Enhanced terminated employee functionality:

    • Terminated employees now display "eligibility for rehire" if they are available as potential candidates. This also automatically creates their profile in the candidate database if they have not previously gone through the recruiting funnel in the system.

    • Terminated employees marked as ineligible for rehire will display a corresponding status in their candidate profile to draw the recruiter’s attention. Those marked as eligible for rehire will not display this status.

  • Expanded export options: Settings pages now offer numerous export options, including positions, departments, genders, skills, etc., providing customers with the ability to export lists of this data.

  • New import capabilities:

    • Customers can now import leave adjustments independently to ensure everyone's leave balances match the new policy. Clients can upload a file instead of manually adjusting each employee's balance. Read more here.

    • Added the ability for customers to import candidate notes alongside candidate data. Read how to import your candidate notes here.

  • Teams filter addition: Teams filter is now available on the Competency screen within Reviews, enhancing organizational alignment and clarity.

  • Copy competency functionality: Users can now copy a competency instead of creating a new one, streamlining the competency management process.

  • Interview link integration: Google and Outlook calendar events now include an interview link, simplifying participant scheduling and access.

  • Redesigned leave balance report: The leave balance report has been redesigned, incorporating Leave type and Unit columns for comprehensive vacation tracking.

  • Table column type expansion: Users can now utilize long text as a column type for employee tables, facilitating extensive information storage.

  • 1:1s report update: Added a “Meeting type” column.

  • API update: We've enhanced and expanded our API capabilities by adding various endpoints for leave request information, downloading employee documents, and more.

We hope that all these nuanced changes will provide you with more flexibility in customization. And remember, PeopleForce is on its way to becoming your sole hub for all functions, so we are constantly working on innovative practices.

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