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Product Updates

Stay up-to-date with new features and improvements of PeopleForce

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Other release notes

In this collection, you can dind information about all product updates in the previous releases

Release 2.15. Regular Feedback, workflows in employee profile and other improvements
Release 2.14. Introducing Djinni integration – and other system improvements
Release 2.13. Enhanced rehiring process, Timeline widget for the employee lifecycle history, time tracking projects & more
Release 2.12. Recurring 1:1s, Google Workspace data sync & other platform improvements
Release 2.11. Split leave policy settings, skills import and other updates
Release 2.10. Manage your recurring workflows and customize the org chart with ease
Release 2.9. New features await you in the HR platform
Release 2.7. Introducing anonymous cases, various improvements, and more
Release 2.6. Job levels, prevent overlapping leave requests, managing company calendar visibility
Release 2.5. Document folder permissions, triggering workflows within a workflow, copying forms and more
Release 2.4. Pre-boarding and New Hire forms, Performance Review, and security settings improvements
New Release 2.3. Attendance tracking and calendar availability for interviews and 1-on-1s
New Release 2.2. Redesign of leave request page, easy management of export files, documents preview.
Realease 2.1. Meet and Teams calendar integrations, sensitive fields and more!
Product Updates: permissions 2.0, improved reviews, dashboard changes, and much more
Update 1.9. Scheduling announcements, time to hire and time to fill reports and interview templates
Update 1.8. Announcement reactions, mentions and new metrics in 1-on-1 report