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2.22 Release overview
2.22 Release overview

Summary of all features and improvements we're announcing in this release

Updated over 3 months ago

Introducing new features and further changes that will simplify your key processes. Now you can:

  • configure the approval of timesheets directly in the attendance policy;

  • add contracts with employment sites for faster job posting;

  • easily navigate the platform thanks to an improved search command palette ;

  • track progress in employee development using action items in development plans;

  • effectively collaborate with the new tagging feature by using @ in case comments.

Set up timesheet approvals in the attendance policy

The new timesheet approval feature in PeopleForce allows you to assign one or more approvers in the attendance policy settings. The approvers, after reviewing the timesheet, can approve or reject it if additional information is required. This feature provides accurate time tracking and transparent communication between employees and approvers. Read more here.

Add contracts with job sites to publish your vacancies

You no longer need to pay for each publication separately. Instead, purchase contracts with job sites and connect your accounts to PeopleForce. This allows you to post vacancies across multiple job sites from a single platform. Candidate applications will be automatically added to the vacancy board as they apply through your career site. More here.

Navigate and access key features faster

Not sure how to request time off or give feedback? The new command palette helps you access key features faster. Just select a command or type in the search bar, and it will guide you to the action you need. Employees can quickly find where to request time off, managers can schedule 1:1s, and recruiters can easily add candidates or access the candidate database—all in just a few seconds.

Add action items to Development plans to track progress

A new feature in the Development plan allows employees and managers to add Action items, with progress visually tracked via a progress bar. The completion rate is automatically calculated based on completed tasks, giving managers a quick view of development progress from the employee's profile. More here.

Collaborate effortlessly with @mentions in case comments

A new @mention feature in case comments allows you to mention team members by typing "@" and selecting their name from a dropdown. This helps bring in their input or assistance when needed to resolve a case. The mentioned team members will receive web and email notifications with a direct link to the case, enabling them to access it quickly and contribute to faster resolution.

Extended leave policy instructions

We’ve expanded the character limit for leave policy instructions from 300 to 1000 characters, allowing HR to provide detailed guidance on the request submission process, approval workflow, and permissible leave duration and frequency. Employees will see these instructions when submitting their requests, ensuring compliance with company policies.

Other updates

Core Hr

  • We've added the option to download file uploaded in document templates;

  • Restrict adjustments for external leave policies;


  • Better open vacancy sharing via socials: editable image previews and text displayed always;

  • Leave requests show page has been updated to show exact durations of each leave request entry;


  • We've added the ability to create feedback for multiple people;

  • Now you can delete 1:1 relationships;

  • Creating a 1:1 meeting in the past will instantly become completed, this has now changed;

  • We redesigned OKRs in Me / Employees pages for collapsable child objectives;

  • Added variables for interview subject in interview templates;

  • Added new variable for interview templates for current application stage;

  • Add filtered for 3,6,12 months to resource widget in the review cycles;


  • 45-min breaks option added to Attendance policy;

  • You can now add comments directly in the time tracker.

  • You can now change projects even after clocking in on the time tracker.


  • Google calendar leave requests for time-specific requests now added into google calendar between exact times;

Other updates

  • Better mobile responsive view for the Employee page.

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