User guide for employees

Detailed information on the Recruit module usage for employees🤓

Updated over a week ago

In this material, you will find detailed information on the Recruit module usage for employees.

To start using this module, click the Recruitment button in the left menu. The availability of certain functions depends on permissions granted by your administrator.

There are two ways you can use the Recruit:
- As a member of a recruitment team
- As an interviewer

Vacancy Member

In the Recruitment dropdown menu you can find the following sections:

- Vacancies
- Candidates
- Hiring plan
- Tests

🔐 If you can't see the section that you need, address this issue to your administrator, so that you could get the required permissions.


In this menu, you can find all active vacancies linked to you as a recruiter. In case a vacancy is not linked to you, then you cannot see it. Also, you can apply a wide range of filters and find specific vacancies by status, position, department, priority and so on.

If you want to open the required vacancy, simply click on it.

The vacancy menu provides a very flexible management layout called Pipeline, that allows you to see all vacancy stages and candidates linked to the vacancy itself.

By selecting the required candidate, in their profile, you can:
- View candidate's resume
- Submit an offer, or view existing offers

📩 Once the candidate signs an offer, you will receive the corresponding email notification.

- Schedule or view interviews

- Create a task

- Send an email to a candidate

- Send a scorecard

- Send a test

📌 You can create tests in advance by navigating to the Recruitment - Tests section.

- Upload or view documents
- View the candidate’s work history.
- Leave notes. You can also tag your colleagues from the recruitment team, so that they can see your new notes.

While in the candidate’s profile, you can:

- Move a candidate to the next hiring stage.

- Disqualify a candidate.

- Remove a candidate from a vacancy / Move to another vacancy

You can also hire a candidate by clicking the three dots icon at the right top side of the profile, and then you have to click the Onboard as employee button.

📌 After you hire a candidate, you will be transferred to the employee profile page.

- Furthermore, you can simply drag and drop the desired candidates from one Pipeline column to another.

Note! Every candidate has the specified hiring deadline at every hiring stage in the Pipeline. These deadlines can be set up in the Settings -> Pipelines. If a candidate stays at a specific hiring stage more than it is allowed, then the candidate is marked as overdue.

- In the Offers section, you can find all offers sent to candidates within the selected position.

- The Discussions tab allows you to leave a comment related to a vacancy or a particular candidate. Important information shared in the comment can be seen by members of your recruiting team.

- The Documents section is useful to store a variety of documents related to the vacancy. These documents can be uploaded by you or your colleagues, and these files are accessible from one place for those colleagues who work on this vacancy.

- The Integration tab provides tools to integrate vacancies with job sites, and it is very useful since it saves a lot of time when managing multiple vacancies.

- The next section Details provides information on vacancies, average evaluation score of candidates, the recruitment funnel details, salary and so on.

Google Meet integration

To add this integration, you need to Click on photo in the right corner-Account-Integration-Google Calendar. After that, appears the possibility to schedule interviews with candidates through Google Meet.


To schedule an interview with a desired candidate, navigate to the Interview section in the candidate’s profile. You are very flexible with the following options that can be set:

- Location (online, phone, onsite, Google Meet)
- Date and time
- Interview duration
- Interviewers (anyone else besides you who has to attend this interview)
- Candidate invitation letter (if the corresponding box is checked, then an email with an invitation is sent to candidate’s email)
- Scorecard

You can evaluate your candidates after interviews. Navigate to the candidate’s profile and then to the Scorecards, click the Submit Scorecard, and in the dropdown menu select the required scorecard. Right after you choose the scorecard, you will be redirected to the evaluation page.

🗂 All changes made to the scorecard are saved automatically after any iteration.

Vacancy Request

Users with sufficient permissions can submit specific forms that propose the creation of new vacancies within the company. To do that, navigate to the Me → Forms and click the New Form.

In the dropdown menu, select the required form, and fill out the necessary vacancy details.

Once a form is submitted, then it has to be approved by corresponding managers in the company. You will receive an email notification if your form was approved or rejected.

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